Pt. 1
Jesus Lord of Heaven, I do not deserve the grace You have given
But still I get it. Every day, a new supply. My slate is clean, and you take it all. You did not need to but chose to. I feel You God, alot. The warmth you give me is greater than any fire or blanket man can make, and I am never unamazed that you saved me. All I had to do is ask.
And there is a darkness, deep into my soul, still has a purpose to serve
And that is just how I am. You made me that way, drawn by nature to that which is dark. I can use this darkness within, use it to bring those who never would come to You, to You. That is what I mean to do with it. Who better to serve God than the least likely to be embracing Him?
I feel determined. More than that actually. This is what i am to do. My Great Comission. I am something, not nothing. I WILL NOT let myself decay.
Wow. I cannot believe this. That I could have gone this way, a year ago, I woulda called y'all crazy for suggesting it. I was allowing things to stay with me, when I wrote Pt. 1 a few weeks back. On the first Saturday service at Fresh Life, I sat there, going over in my head 'silly boy, you done forgot your Bible. How you gonna take notes without your book?' Well I realized that when I sat down to hear the message, I actually just listened. It was so amazing. I saw why I didn't have my Bible. I was meant to hear what was going on. It made me really think of what I was like. What i liked in the way of music, and movies and things. I then went home after service, and got rid of some things, things I an willing to bet that those what know me would not expect me to get rid of. My Manson cds, shirts anything to do with him. A few dvds. Posters. Things that amounted to near 300 bucks worth. It was something I did. Compelled only by God Himself. Things that were holding me back, keeping me from really walking with Him, and therefore, was not something I wanted. If any who know me well wants to call me on it, do so. If you want to call me a hypocrite (which I for all intents and purposes, was for calling a friend for doing something similar, and we have reconciled over it) go ahead. I don't care what you think of my actions, for I know they were motivated by God and the right way to go. As stated in pt. 1, I am something, not nothing. I WILL NOT let myself decay.
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